
People are running from the heat and that is providing empty houses with a thing they call air conditioning.  The nights of last week were not so bad because of a  breeze that lasted almost all night and the lows were maybe 75.   One day we had one of those 60 knot blasts during a squall and the boat toured the anchorage.  Everything was fine.

Work has been spotty.  Some possibilities are out there but too early to report on.  I can’t even guess how the rest of the summer will play out.Runners In Motion


  1. I don’t know if you got my reply to your e-mail but I hope you enjoyed Watagua. I was at the lake last weekend , Wishing my boat was ready to sail. Had to take my wife to E.T.S.U. to get ready for school. You asked what kind of sailboat I have, it’s a Siren 17. I am in the process of getting it into sailing shape. I I really like your Meadowlark. Thats how I found your blog, I was looking for Meadowlark info.

    Good sailing.
    Dale R. Bowers

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