Equipment failure

isleofhope2_0I had joked that I was going to go until I broke down or the boat broke down.  I think it is appropriate that we both came to a halt on the same day.  My back has been getting worse the last few days and the motor hardly turned over before failing to start this morning.  I tried to walk on land but had to stop every couple hundred feet and squat down.  The weather was nice so I loaded the bike into the dinghy and assembled it on shore hoping a bike ride would help and I think it has.  The engine started about 3 this afternoon because I let the sun beat down on it.  It still makes me want to stay right here because it would be bad to be stranded in the marshes of Georgia.The nearest store is just over a mile.  I found a recycle bin at the school so I have paper to start fires again and wood for a couple of days.  The shore is full of neat houses to look at.

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