Background noise

I cleaned a boat today with the voice of Rush L. blasting from across the canal.  I fully understand why some people need him and it is fine that he has a following but why the heck do you need to sing it from the rooftops?  Tattoo him on your chest, print him on your tee shirt, eat what he eats but please give the rest of us an opportunity to listen when we want and only when we want.  If he was reporting on the news around us I might be able to stand it but constant bitching does nobody a bit of good.  He said today that he loves the country.  Where is the love in his words?  It seems like he hates half the country.  Think for yourself people!!  Do the research.  Don’t listen to either of the extremes, left or right!  Go to sources with the least agenda.  Ask yourself if the dialogue is bringing us together or tearing us apart.  If he is successful we will forever be half a country and that might not be good enough to survive in this world.  Any other form of input that only tells half the story is usually considered brainwash.  Again, this goes for the libs too.

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