Tavernier Tiki Tribes

This is a good group of people.  Captain Jen has been teaching sailing down here for 12 years on her Morgan 41.  The marina has two active tiki huts with one called the Zen Tiki and the other wanting to be called the Con Tiki because of the convicts that make it their home.  Both groups are so friendly and generous and I have been lucky to witness their cooking wars.  Yesterday I went to Amy Slate’s Dive Resort because Amy and her brother were my backyard neighbors when I was a kid.  It was a blast to see Amy and Justin after so many years.  I had forgotten that I used to tie her to a tree during lightning storms.  What a guy!   She should take me diving and then push the coffee maker overboard for old times sake.  I think the boat needs to be down here to see what there is to see on the Florida Bay side of the Keys.  Nights are still in the 40’s but normal temps are coming next week.Sunrise in Key Largo

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