Unexpected Sailing

About three hours into the day I turned upwind where the Intracoastal crosses Port Royal Sound.  The waves were pretty big and there was some pounding going on with the bowsprit going underwater every few waves.  With just a couple of miles to go the engine just quit.  All the sailcovers where on because these original sails are UV damaged and starting to tear in places.  The boat turned broadside to the waves and started to roll like crazy.  I got the covers off and the mizzen up to point the bow upwind.  Once the jib was up this boat calms down and seems to want me to calm down too.  That two sail combination couldn’t gain on the current so the main went up and upwind we went.  I hooked around behind a marina and anchored to catch my breath.  The little electric fuel pump helped bleed the lines and the motor started with no battery to spare.  The rest of the day was short and the bridge opening beyond Isle of Hope prevented me from getting the last hour of daylight.  With six anchor retrievals in just a few days I knew my back was cooked.

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